Bacon Jam
Bacon Jam Ingredients
1 lb thick cut bacon. Please buy an excellent cut of bacon; try The Farmer's Larder for local {Washington,MO} and naturally raised pork. Find them on Twitter @FarmersLarderMO
1/2 medium white onion (thinly sliced)
1 garlic clove (minced)
2 to 4 tablespoons coffee concentrate {Secret Squirrel cold brew coffee} or 2 tbsp of finely ground espresso
1/3 cup of maple syrup
1/4 cup of Bourbon or Whiskey
Cut raw bacon into 1 inch pieces, then place in large pan to cook over medium-high heat. Cook until bacon is crisp. When done cooking, place bacon on paper towels to remove excess grease. Remove grease from pan, reserve about 2 tablespoons.
Add garlic and onion to pan with 2 tablespoons of bacon grease. Cook over medium heat until onions caramelize. Add bacon back to the pan, toss to combine ingredients.
Add maple syrup to the pan, cook about 5 minutes. Add coffee, start with 2 tbsp, if mixture is dry, add an additional 2 tablespoons. Cook another 5 minutes.
Reduce heat to low, add Bourbon, cover, cook another 20 minutes. Occasionally check mixture, there should be liquid in the pan, if not add water (few tablespoons).
Allow mixture to slightly cool before transferring to a food processor. Pulse bacon mixture about 5 to 10 times. It should have small pieces of bacon present, not completely smooth.
Place in a refrigerator and microwave safe container. Allow to cool at room temperature prior to placing in the fridge.
Once jam is refrigerated, it tends to thicken. Bacon jam is best served warm, so add a teaspoon of water when reheating.
Recipe courtesy of